Amoon Metal Trading


Diamond As A Precious Stone


A diamond is the hardest substance known to man, making it resistant to deterioration.They are known particularly for their use in jewelry, such as rings or necklaces, because of their durability and their luster. However, most diamonds are used industrially. Because of their hardness, diamonds are extremely useful when used to cut, grind, or drill other materials.Each stone's complex characteristics cannot be duplicated, and no two diamonds can ever be the same. Each stone, like its owner, is endowed with a personality and character uniquely its own

  • Has Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Benefits
  • Awakens their mystical and psychic intuition.
  • Duly tested and approved stones
  • Instill Faithfulness, loyalty, and spontaneity
  • Ideal for auric balancing and healing

Demanded by
  • Mechanical Industries
  • Jewelry industry
  • General Fashion industry